主題是一個英國喜劇演員Dace Chawner在講他跟他的厭食症故事

I think he talks in a very humorous way since he is a comedy.
但我比較想聽到更多與厭食症相關的細節,以及他之後怎麼get over it的
But I would like to hear more about the detail of he and his anorexia, and how he overcame it.
I think the main point of this video lies in letting people understand what is Anorexia and no longer be afraid of discussing it. He wanted people to talk about it, and share their story without being awkward or cringed*.
I learned a lot of vocabulary and grammar through this video anyway:)
One Sentences to sum-up the video: He really wants to use the advantage of being a comedy order to help and in order to change how we see mental health.
The first step toward overcoming a problem is that you are willing to face it, to deal with it, to talk about it, just like the speaker did in the TED talk.
👉In the end, he said:
"I know this is something that I'm going to have for the rest of my life"
"but the real question is can I deal with it?"
"I can deal with it now because I can talk about it."
"I want to talk about it and show that it is nothing to be ashamed of"
- butch(a) 陽剛的 (=muscular)
- alpha man(n) 頭頭,領導人,帶頭者
- bulimia(n) 貪食症
- monster munch 英國的零食品牌
- topless(a)上半身裸體
- by trade 就職業而言, 我是.....
- blooming(a)極度地(用來加強語氣,有點粗魯的用法,如blooming expensive)
- substitute A for B : 拿A取代B
- 現在進行完成式(過去完成了,但這動作持續到現在與未來)
規則:have/has be + ving
I have been recovering from Anorexia for 9 years.
I have been blogging from Jan 2018.
- 附加問句
You aren't a professor, are you?