2018年2月20日 星期二

《口說》2018/2 How to improve your English speaking skills by yourself

  • The importance of practice: “If you want to improve English speaking skills, you have to practice, you have to speak!” 

  • What if you don't have speaking partners? if you don't have someone to talk to, you can try a technique calls "learning to speak English through imitation." In this way, you can learn sentence structure and how to express your idea effectively to others.

  • How does the technique works? the term "Imitation" is not about "repeat after the native figures using the exact same word to improve your pronunciation"(=shadowing technique), but rather trying to deliver what the speaker said in your own word.
EX: when you heard the speaker says: "when I was a child, I always believe in Santa Claus", you say "When HE was a child, HE always believe in Santa Claus."

  • Use "Progressive training" to help you learn better:  
1. Short sentences -> 2. Long Sentences -> 3. Entire speech

  • Learn grammar by "implicit learning: learning happens without your awareness, the same way as children learn their first language.