《口說》2018/2 How to improve your English speaking skills by yourself
The importance of practice: “If you want to improve English speaking skills, you have to practice, you have to speak!”
What if you don't have speaking partners? if you don't have someone to talk to, you can try a technique calls "learning to speak English through imitation." In this way, you can learn sentence structure and how to express your idea effectively to others.
How does the technique works?the term "Imitation" is not about "repeat after the native figures using the exact same word to improve your pronunciation"(=shadowing technique), but rather trying to deliver what the speaker said in your own word.
EX: when you heard the speaker says: "when I was a child, I always believe in Santa Claus", you say "When HE was a child, HE always believe in Santa Claus."
Use "Progressive training" to help you learn better:
1. Short sentences -> 2. Long Sentences -> 3. Entire speech
Learn grammar by "implicit learning: learning happens without your awareness, the same way as children learn their first language.